Perinatal Resources
Websites and Phone Numbers
Perinatal and Parenthood
National Maternal Mental Health Hotline
Call or text 1-833-943-5746
Postpartum Support International (PSI)
PSI Helpline: Call or text 1-800-944-4773
Press #1 En Espanol or text 971-420-0294
PSI Georgia
Smart Patients, in partnership with PSI, offers an online community, where women can receive peer support in a private space where they can feel comfortable sharing openly.
National Perinatal Association
Planned Parenthood Hotline
International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN)
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Georgia
The Doudad: Queer Black Indigenous Cisgender Birthworker providing Doula support to families and spreading #blackboyjoy all over the world!
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Women's Mental Health
InfantRisk Center 806-352-2519
Drugwatch: Pregnancy Health Guide (1st trimester-breastfeeding)
Perinatal Loss
Northside Hospital H.E.A.R.T string Perinatal Bereavement & Palliative Care
Empty Cradle: Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support, Education, & Remembrance
Glow in the Woods- Babylost Mothers and Fathers
PALS: Pregnancy After Loss Support
Share Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support
Return to Zero: H.O.P.E.
LGBTQIA+ Resources
PTSD and Birth Trauma
Birth and Trauma Support Center
The Birth Trauma Association (BTA)
Infant Mental Health
Breastfeeding Support
Resources for Fathers
Military Families
PSI Branch specific Support
PSI Weekly Military Online Group (Wednesdays @ 3:30 Pacific Time)
Breastfeeding in Combat Boots
Ways and Options regarding reporting for DV:
TedTalk: A new way to think about the transition to motherhood
New Parent Support Program – connections to local resources
Military One Source – EAP therapy and many other resources
Wounded Warrior Project – Servicing all of the US, many resources available, including telehealth oriented programing (great for social goals)
Give an Hour – Volunteer Clinicians offering 1 hour of therapy a week
Psychosis Resources
Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP)
MGH Postpartum Psychosis Project
Substance Use
Apps, Blogs, and Podcasts
Perinatal and Parenthood
Mom & Mind Podcast: all the stuff you wish you have been told before pregnancy and parenthood
Birthright Podcast: a podcast about joy & healing in black birth
The Fullest Podcast: 10/08/2019 episode with The "Not Carol" Documentary Team
The Birthful Podcast: Adriana Lozada talks pregnancy, birth and postpartum with top experts and new parents
The Mindful Mama Podcast
The Womb Wisdom Podcast
Irth App: where you can find prenatal, birthing, postpartum and pediatric reviews of care from other Black and brown women. The #1 “Yelp-like” platform for the pregnancy and new motherhood journey, made by and for people of color.
Peanut App
Mindful Mama App
Expectful App
Documentaries and Films
Perinatal and Parenthood
Groups of people doing great things in the community